Vision Boards

This past year I’ve been working on my vision boards, dreaming about future plans. It’s important for me to have a goal that I’m working toward, especially during what seems like endless slogging on my dissertation that seems to get me no where (that’s what it feels like, at least). UPDATE: Objectively, it’s actually going well, I’m just hard on myself!

This is my most recent painting of a home that I have been visualizing. This dream started taking shape when my brother was visiting in September for my birthday and we drove up to Mt. Baker National First snd took the scenic route through the Skagit Valley.

I didn’t get the exact details of the plants exactly right in the painting, but there would be dusty miller, chrysanthemums (Orange, pink, white, red, and purple), a butterfly bush, lilacs, blueberry bushes, cedar and cypress trees, cat mint, ferns, lavender, rosemary, sage, mint (in a series of pots so it doesn’t take over), and thyme. I’d have corn, and would learn about and experiment with other plants native to the area.

This is an excerpt of a painting that I was working on earlier this year, please note the ever important furry companions, of course Timi is hiding in the bushes, and Cubby is on the roof.

There’s a vegetable garden and a pond, and a lake/river, and lots of trees. I’m gradually working on details….

They aren’t great works of art, but it’s more the process, I’m finding, that matters.

I plan to keep working on the detail on the one with the vegetable garden.

4 responses to “Vision Boards

  1. Pingback: Vision of Abundance | EmaBee's Art·

  2. Boy did I need to see this one today. Nice entry and very wonderful photographs . I have been meaning to do a vision board for the last two or three years, and this is how much I got done – nothing. And then your vision board entry popped up here out of nowhere. Thanks for the reminder. Perhaps this is THE year that I actually get started on this one. Merry Christmas and peace to all.

  3. Pingback: Curious | EmaBee's Art·

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