Vision of Abundance

In my last post I shared versions of my vision boards. The other week I did a visualization exercise and this is what came to me: abundance.

The definition of abundance is “plentifulness of the good things in life; prosperity.”

There are shelves and rows of jars and cans and bottles in the kitchen pantry in the house. All my favorite things to cook with. I left some of the labels blank to capture a sense of curiosity.

While these are not masterpieces, they were really fun to make 🙂


4 responses to “Vision of Abundance

  1. A few times a year I catch up on your posts I find them so inspiring. I finally moved into an apartment with a little space and got a big, old desk and I feel ready to set up my own creation station ❤

  2. Pingback: Curious | EmaBee's Art·

  3. Pingback: My Inner Mentor | EmaBee's Art·

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